As a business owner, you may play various roles in the organisation, but when it comes to business books, you have to give proper time. If you start giving full time managing business books, then it will become difficult for you to look after other things that are important for the success of your business. Every business owner must know that business books are extremely important so they can also take help from bookkeepers in Melbourne to stay on top of business books.

In addition to this, they must know about important financial terms so they understand financial investments, dealings, and output. Without having such knowledge, it can become difficult for them to negotiate with the vendors and save money. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what financial matters they must know to make an informed decision. Let’s get started:

What Financial Terms Entrepreneurs Must Be Aware of?

Regardless of how busy you are in managing other aspects of the business, you should also be aware of basic financial terms. However, financial management is not every business owner’s cup of tea. Now, take a look at the following section to know about common financial terms:

  • Assets 

As the name implies, everything owed by the business that has a market value is considered an asset, such as furniture, inventory, cash, vehicles, etc. These current assets can be transformed easily into cash such as equipment and real estate. Melbourne bookkeeper can also provide you with a clear picture of how these assets work. Both current and fixed assets are referred to as tangible assets while other assets are considered intangible assets such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc.

  • Liabilities 

Liabilities are debts or amounts of money owed by the business at any given time. These are legal duties and the money needs to be paid at present or in the future. These include debts and loans or any other financial obligations, such as credit card debts and bank loans that the organisation has accrued over a specific period of time. The current liabilities are referred to those amounts that need to be paid in a year. On the other hand, fixed liabilities are those amounts, which have to be paid back over a long period of time, such as tax liabilities and bank loans.

  • Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement includes the amount of operating cash that flows in and out of the business. If more money is moving into your business than going out of your business, then it is considered positive cash flow. On the other hand, if more money is going out of your business than moving into the business, then it is considered negative cash flow. You can also opt for Melbourne bookkeeping services to get cash flow statements in hand.

  • Profit and Loss Statement

It is also referred to as an income statement, which is another important financial aspect of the business. With the help of profit and loss statements, business owners would know the financial health of their business. You will know how much profit you have gained in a specific time period and the losses incurred by the business during the financial year.

  • Balance Sheet 

A balance sheet is a financial statement that shows information about the company’s liabilities, equity, assets, debts, and more. It will give you exact and accurate financial information. Various bookkeepers in Melbourne are experts in generating all these financial statements.

  • Working Capital 

Every business owner needs to understand the working capital because it is important to identify the financial health of the business. Bookkeepers use a simple calculation of deducting current liabilities from the current asset to give you the exact figure.

To be on top of bookkeeping and accounting, you must know about these terms. Although you need bookkeeping and accounting services for your business, still, you must know what is going on in your business.


Although your bookkeeper will help you prepare and analyse financial statements, you too should be familiar with these financial terms to understand deductions. It gives you an insight into the financial condition of the business, and you can also contact the Reliable Bookkeeping Services provider for further details.