The Victorian Budget 2021-22 involves announcements that are related to State Revenue Office. The State Budget forecasts government revenue and expenditure for the coming year, as well as the programmes that will be provided.
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Key investments delivered in this Budget include:

  • $954 million to deliver community-based care, providing health and wellbeing support for Victorians wherever they live
  • $370 million to improve access to mental health beds and better acute care for Victorians living with mental illness
  • $264 million for new local services for adults and older adults – providing early care where people live
  • $196 million to support a dedicated system for infants, children and families
  • $173 million for suicide prevention and response – to continue our support for 13 Hospital Outreach Post-suicidal Engagement (HOPE) sites including four new sites for youth across Victoria
  • $116 million to support the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Victorians, including funding for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.

Building our mental health system

Mental health impacts all of us. Approximately half of all Victorians will experience poor mental health in their lifetime. Around one in five of us are struggling with it right now.
And if we haven’t experienced it directly, it’s the experience of someone we love – a parent, a partner, a child or a mate.
This is the reason why the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System was created, and it’s why we’re implementing the most significant social change in a generation: rebuilding our mental health system from the ground up.
Last year’s Budget kicked off the work with $869 million, the single largest expenditure in mental health in Victoria’s history.
Now, the authorities are committing a record $3.8 billion to fully change the way mental health and wellness services are delivered in the state.
It will take a decade or more to implement the Royal Commission’s recommendations. However, this year’s Budget includes a significant expenditure – and a significant next phase – in implementing the Commission’s recommendations.
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Job Creation and Caring
The Big Build has been providing the roads, rail, colleges, and hospitals that our rising state requires over the past six years. Since 2014, the Victorian government has announced infrastructure investments that have created or will create over 177,000 jobs.
These occupations have changed lives, providing more Victorians with a stable basis on which to develop their future. We’re taking the same path now as we recover from the pandemic. That means ensuring that any investment has a dual benefit: helping Victorians in need while also providing healthy, secure employment for Victorians.
Assistance in the treatment of children in foster care. Providing the assistance to those who are dealing with their mental health and providing further assistance to victims of family abuse. Raising the number of Victorians who have the protection of a home. It will not only strengthen our state, but it will also build new opportunities in every corner. Over the next four years, the investments made in this Budget would fund an average of 38,000 jobs per year.

Over the past six years, jobs have been made the priority of the Government. Employment – healthy, safe, meaningful jobs – must be at the centre of our recovery to rebuild.
Supporting the skills sector would allow more Victorians to train, retrain, and find new jobs. And ensuring that the government takes advantage of the “double profit” of our projects and initiatives in order to build good employment for the future and future generations. This is the strategy that the Budget and recovery is built on. More importantly, it will assist more Victorians in obtaining jobs, which will provide them with comfort, stability, and certainty.

The Victorian government has allocated $21.6 billion to ensure that our children receive a good education. It’s also an opportunity that’s resulted in the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs. This Budget maintains the strategy of investing in our schools while also putting more Victorians to work.
This budget allocates $3.5 billion to education, with $716 million going to school services and funding for the teachers. It will mean wonderful new classrooms and learning spaces for our children.
Families will have the assurance that their children are receiving the care they need. It would mean a renewed emphasis on professional development and opportunities for teachers. Thousands of new employment would be created for Victorian workers. These programmes are an investment in children as well as Victoria’s rehabilitation.

Last year, the importance of excellent local healthcare – and the dedicated people who look after us all – was emphasised.
Since taking office, the Andrews Labor Government has spent more than $133 billion in the healthcare system – and the people who work about us. This Budget allocates $7.1 billion to continue to support hospitals and the healthcare system as we recover from the pandemic. This investment not only ensures that treatment is available when it is needed, but it also creates and supports new employment.
This Budget would provide more job protection to Victorians, including doctors and nurses, cleaners, support staff, and construction workers. It’s a bet on Victorian workers’ health and well-being, as well as the health and well-being of all Victorians.
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Roads and rails
The roads and rails keep Victorians connected to work, school, and each other. The $80 billion investment in transportation infrastructure over the last six years has not only provided these critical links, but it has also provided new opportunities for Victorians, supporting thousands of jobs in the construction industry and supply chains.
The Victorian Government is delivering state-defining projects such as the Metro Tunnel, the removal of 75 level crossings, the new Mordialloc Freeway, and the upgrading of thousands of kilometres of local roads.
Not only will the programmes ensure that we have a modern transportation system, but they will also help tens of thousands of workers.
This Budget builds on that record by funding the next round of projects that will provide Victorians with the fast, reliable, and secure transportation system they deserve.
This Budget invests in road and rail projects to bring Victorians where they want to go – and to put more Victorians back to work.

Stronger communities
The Victorian Government is investing in the projects and priorities that will further strengthen our communities.
Local sports clubs are the glue that holds us together. Those that keep us safe are the emergency services. Accessible spaces those are important to local families. And the investments that will strengthen and level the playing field in our state. This Budget invests in Victoria’s communities – and the people who call them home.
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